


Inspiring people to show and express themselves, offering new insights, providing practical tools and providing a space to discuss difficult things, that is what drives me. For organisations and teams that are looking for inspiration during change processes, that really want to work together, or that want to boost commitment, a lecture, workshop or presentation can be a great source of inspiration.


I enjoy sharing my experiences in words. I write blogs and articles about the practice of courageous leadership and daring to connect. I want to inspire readers and show them how they can take the lead in their own lives, both at work and at home.

Commissioned writing

I also write on commission for editors or organisations. For example, I wrote an essay for the book 'Inside the Leader's Mind', a publication of the European Leadership Platform. It is available from online retailers such as

"What is inspiring about Rianne's story is that she gives words to a desire that everyone recognises but is afraid to vocalise for fear of being seen as soft."
John Koevoet


Fear and insecurity, two subjects we do not like discussing in the business world. We prefer not to experience the feeling of vulnerability that comes along with them, let alone talk about them. However, we cannot do without.

From someone who did not dare to show anything about herself, I have become someone that reaches and inspires other people by sharing my own experiences. This allows team members to get to know themselves and each other in a different way, and accept, trust and want the best for one other. This paves the way for a deeper way of working together.

Contact us


Daring to connect in practice, that is what I do. Via my blogs and social media posts I share tips, experiences and a peek into my life.

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"Rianne is an inspiring speaker who speaks from her own experience, passion and vulnerability and provides excellent examples and tips. She knows how to captivate her audience."
Cécile M. van Velsen - Board Member CPD Nevi
Cécile M. van Velsen - Board Member CPD Nevi

Want to know more?

Developing your leadership skills, that is what I want to help you with. I inspire, train, coach and guide leaders and their teams in developing and applying the courage and connection this requires.

Contact me today